Art is in nature, and everyone has an "art"... it can be thinking, speaking, story-telling, drawing, and so much more. Join Kayla as she shows you some new activities involving your creativity that you can do in nature!
Meet Naturalist Kayla
Kayla is a naturalist fellow at Dunes Learning Center and has always loved finding ways to tie art and nature together. She’s from DeMotte, Indiana, and her favorite local animal is the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. She likes hiking, gardening, and painting landscapes.
Kayla’s fellowship is funded thanks to Keramida.
Arts activities made possible by the Indiana Arts Commission, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
Check out the full DLC: Distance Learning Collection in the menu bar above! Fun videos, activities to do at home, plus lots of links to other great organizations. Check back often to see what’s new for your nature explorer!