Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, Dunes Learning Center consists of an amazing and generous group of people who support the organization with their time, knowledge, talent, experience, and philanthropy.

Matt Benus, PhD

Matt Benus, PhD, President

Donna Coleman

Donna Coleman, vice President

David Phelps

David Phelps, Treasurer

Jory Mathews, Secretary

Pat Conrath

Pat Conrath

Nina Diamond

Jon Micah Goeller

Anne Gross

Chris Hoham

Brian Kortum

Brian Kortum

Paige Kurz

Mike Lancioni

Millicent Macon

Bridgette Murray

Mack Overton

Robert Rivers

Yolanda Stoffregen

Julio Torres

Theresa Weakland

Theresa Weakland

David Wright, president

David Wright, Past president

Zoom Board Meeting, march 2020

Zoom Board Meeting, march 2020

Board of Directors
Matthew Benus, PhD, President 
Donna Coleman, Vice President
David Phelps, Treasurer 
Jory Mathews, Secretary 
David Wright, Immediate Past President 
Patrick Conrath
Nina Diamond
Jon Micah Goeller
Anne Gross
Chris Hoham
Brian Kortum
Paige Kurz
Mike Lancioni
Millicent Macon
Bridgette Murray
Mack Overton
Robert Rivers
Yolanda Stoffregen
Julio Torres
Theresa Weakland

Advisory Board Members
Alison Anastasio, PhD
Debera Backhus, PhD
Dale Heinz
Teresa Massa, JD
Kay Nelson
Ken Schoon, PhD
