
Change can be a terrifying concept when you think about it, especially when viewed through a natural lens. Take the caterpillar, which is a cute and harmless (enough…) looking creature at the start of its life cycle. Through metamorphosis, though, these insects will change their appearance so completely that one can scarcely tell that butterfly and caterpillar are the same creature. Compared to the changes that a human child experiences as they grow, the transformation of these bugs is incredibly bizarre! However, this kind of change is just a natural part of their lives, no different to them than a human growing up.

Life’s twists and turns seem strange but are pleasant compared to other categories of change, such as the death of a species. Extinctions, or rather, the MULTITUDE of mass extinctions that have occurred over the long history of planet Earth have long perplexed me. Think about it, where we stand today there were once creatures that’d look more at home in books of myth and legend than the pages of school textbooks.

The world of modern humans has never known what life was like alongside towering dinosaurs, lumbering mammoths, gigantic insects, or the other untold masses of prehistoric creatures. A plethora of different organisms once lived and breathed here, just as you and I do now, but have been lost to time. Still, even after many losses (RIP T. rex) life has remained! And over the millennia, it has had the chance to grow, evolve, and change.

Change is just an unavoidable part of nature, whether it be as simple as a shift in the weather, or as far reaching as the rise of humanity as Earth’s dominant life-form. There’s no denying that change can be scary, but it has its silver lining; an opportunity for something new. There are many changes on our horizon that we’ll have to overcome as we continue into the next quarter century. Habitat destruction and the threat of extinction within the natural world as well as a plethora of social and economic pressures (some new, some old)… the list of changes on our plates is extensive and exhausting to contemplate.

But just because change is unavoidable doesn’t mean that we can’t influence it! After all, the lives we have today wouldn’t be possible without the help of change. Humans have more knowledge and power today than ever before. If we want to make the world a better place for ALL to live in, then we should seriously consider how we think about the changes we want to make for ourselves. One thing that shouldn’t change, though, is our relationship to the world and to each other. Humans need nature and nature needs humans to exist, and as the social creatures we are, humans need each other as well. So let's be kind, be smart, and be good about the changes we make this year!

Alex “Burdy” Burdsall

Environmental Education Fellow III